well, baby p is looking less like a sea monkey, more like a human!
we had our second ultrasound this week, and i must say it was kind of amazing. up until this point things haven't felt very real. i've mostly just felt sick...not really preggo.
we had our second ultrasound this week, and i must say it was kind of amazing. up until this point things haven't felt very real. i've mostly just felt sick...not really preggo.
but the ultrasound tech once again proved to us that there really is
something there in my belly, enjoying a whole world of it's own. the
baby was moving and dancing around the whole time we were peeking in.
technology is amazing.
the ultrasound tech even ask us if we wanted to know the gender!
i totally wasn't ready for that question.
the hubby and i still haven't agreed on whether or not to find out. he doesn't want to know, but i kind of do.
anyways, she said she couldn't really give us a definitive answer on the gender this early, but she had an educated guess if we wanted to know it. we decided to pass this time though...since it wouldn't be for sure, and since we still aren't in agreement! :P
the next sonogram isn't until early february...but hopefully i can convince the hubby before that!