what can i say about my twenties.
well, they've really been the best and the worst years of my life thus far...

so today on the last of being a twentysomething i thought i'd just list in no strict order the highs and lows of this passing decade:

cut off my long hair
traveled to africa
graduated college
met the love of my life
moved to missouri
first real apartment
got a masters degree
thought i could never be with the love of my life
moved back to texas
started working with internationals
became a dog mama
married the love of my life (it worked out)
traveled to india for the first time
lost my dad
lost my grandma
mom's home makeover
traveled to germany and austria
bought our first house
first white christmas ever
traveled to ireland

so if my life were a line graph, these would be the biggest peaks and valleys...well, obviously some much bigger than others.
wow. life changes a lot in your twenties.

ok thirties...let's try keeping it in the peaks. :)

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