baby girl is 9 months of fun, and has been out as long as she was in now!

she still doesn't have a big interest in crawling...she just bounces and scooches on her booty. but that's fine by me. the sitting but not yet mobile stage is my favorite! and she seems to be focusing more of her energy on communicating. :)
she says mama and papa regularly, and tries to mimic a lot of other sounds. she also does 3 or 4 signs and can blow kisses!
she also still has that same easy going temperament. oh, and her favorite food is definitely blueberries!

My big girl is also growing fast! she seems like more and more of a big girl every day.

she loves her school and her friends and she has so many opinions now! she loves all things girlie, pink, purple, and sparkly. she's also imaginative at this age. i love seeing her use her imagination. she has a nonsense phrase she likes to say lately... "meena kompuna." who knows! Oh, and she's a pretty great big sister. I'm super proud of this girl. i'm proud of both of my girls actually. :)

My baby is 8 months old now, and I can't believe all the change that the past month has brought!

She finally cut 2 teeth after months of drooling. She also started saying both "mama" and "papa" in the same week! Thought I have to say "mama" was her first word! ;)

I'm amazed at the verbal ability she already has! She's also got her pincher grasp down, and is eating food like a pro. Blueberries are her current favorite.

She's still not that interested in crawling though, which is something that I'm totally ok with by the way! She does a little bootie schooch, but once she's fully mobile I'm sure it will get crazy around here!

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