on jia's actual birthday we wanted to make it a little extra special even though she wasn't having a party or anything on that day.

i started off the day by filling the hall with balloons, so when she woke up she had to kind of wade through them. balloons are her favorite, so that definitely kicked the day off right! it took her half an hour to get down the hall because she was so enamored!

then there was cake for breakfast! in my defense, it was zucchini cake, so it was semi healthy. (and it's surprisingly yummy!) we had to blow out the candle for her the first time, but then she wanted us to keep lighting it so she could try again and again.

after breakfast we decided to go for an outing.
since it's june and it's already pretty hot, i turned my sights on indoor fun with a toddler.
i kept hearing that the perot museum was great, so we decided to check it out.

the museum itself was pretty awesome, though a lot too old for a toddler to get into, though she loved the children's museum...so that part was totally worth it for her.

in the evening we went out to eat and let her play for a bit a kid mania. which is basically a giant indoor maze. she went crazy there and it was hard to finally reel her in!

at the end of the day it was safe to say she had a good birthday...it's a good day when you can wear out a toddler! :)