i'm over the moon excited for them. seriously it's hard to contain! haha. the early days with a newborn are just so crazy and incredible. both terrifying, and full of wonder. it's basically like falling head over heels in love and having no idea which way is up.
next to a newborn, at 8.5 months jia looks almost like a toddler now! haha. it's crazy what a difference just a few months makes in the life of a baby. it has gotten me to reminiscing back to when she would just fit into the crook of my arm.
first pic of our family! can you believe i'm just now going through the pics that were on our actual camera?! mom fail! wow...there's no tired like what you feel right after a long labor. boy do i look it! yikes!

holy heartburn! that chunky monkey had a lot of hair!!
i miss the days that have flown by, but i'm so in love with the person i'm getting to know and who she is becoming. this is such a fun time. motherhood has definitely turned me all sentimental. i wish i could just hold her forever. i'm wrapped around my little girl's finger in a way i never had dreamed. it has really taught me to appreciate the amazing treasures from heaven than children are.
so here's to raising these treasures together amongst friends!
have fun getting to know your little ones and falling in love all over again!
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