ok, so really not everywhere. but the last couple weeks have brought the johnny cash song to mind as i drove up and down texas a couple times. texas is big folks.
and i'm kind of a homebody.
there's no place i'd rather be than sleeping in my own bed at night with my man. you've gotta do what you've gotta do though, and i really do always have a nice time when i travel as well. mostly because i work with some pretty amazing people.
one of my trips across texas this past month was to corpus christi.
we took a bunch of international students there for our annual easter retreat, and we camped on the beach!

camping on the beach seems like a fantastic idea in theory. the sunrise, the sound of the waves, the sand between your toes, etc...
well it turns out that it's the sand part that's the problem. that combined with 90 mph winds made for a very sandy weekend indeed!
no doubt though, the view was worth it. lots of fun was had by all. and you seriously can't beat an easter sunrise service right on the water!
you just kind of have to embrace the sand and the nasty though.
good times.
Well glad that you had good time and sand with lots of wind is not fun, but at least yall had great time none the less. I too know what you mean bout sleeping in your own bed, I too love to travel but nothing feels as good as when you get home be sleep in your own bed LOL!