a couple months ago one of my very best friends was diagnosed with breast cancer. she is a friend who is more like a sister, so my heart has been with her on this awful journey. i truly wish i could take her pain...but i can't, so i threw her a party.

a green gables tea party/hair party/birthday party.
with chemo and her birthday around the corner it was time to prepare. if you look online for hair cutting chemo parties, you pretty much just find ladies drinking a lot of wine together and then shaving their heads. not exactly what i was going for. :P
my friend has gorgeous red hair and is a lover of all things avonlea, so it just made sense to throw a green gables tea party...with plenty of help from some more amazing friends!

after all, anne shirley had to lose her hair for a far less romantic reason, so this is a party she would definitely approve of!
we invited a hair stylist to cut pixies for whoever wanted to shed hair in support, and a make up artist to help my friend adjust to her new look. all this happened while we watched anne of green gables and drank tea, raspberry cordial, and ate goodies!


we wrapped things up with a birthday celebration, and giving gifts of super cute hats, head coverings, and chemo gear to make sure my friend was all prepared for the days ahead! and doesn't she look adorable in that pixie?!
but most of all i hope we helped prepare her by showering her with love! i don't think i've ever been to a party that was so filled with love and support! i guess breast cancer can bring out "bosom" friends, and definitely kindred spirits!