where is the time going?!
seriously. we need to stop this now. my baby can't be 7 months old already!
but anyways, i think it just keeps on getting more and more fun as time passes.

i caught her singing in this month's pic. singing is pretty much her favorite thing. our household is getting kind of noisy! haha.
she loves to play and laugh all the time! the toys that just sat around the first few months and getting lots of attention now!
baby girl has cut 2 teeth, and is getting pretty close to a crawl! she is able to move backwards, but hasn't quite gotten the forward motion coordinated yet. which is fine by me! i'm not ready for this kind of mobility!
she also has had a cold the past couple weeks...so she's gotten very used to the saline and nose sucker. so much so that she's pretty much a pro and just lays there quietly and let's me take care of it!
she's trying out new foods now. i'm doing a combo of baby led weaning and purees. so far mama's milk is still her favorite...though she's having fun tasting new stuff, when she's hungry she wants the milk! so far the chocolate her papa snuck her is her favorite new food though. go figure! :P
bath time is splash time now. everyone gets wet, but it's lots of fun!
changes are happening so fast now...it's hard to even keep up with! each day is like a new adventure!
this kid is such a blessing!
seriously. we need to stop this now. my baby can't be 7 months old already!
but anyways, i think it just keeps on getting more and more fun as time passes.

i caught her singing in this month's pic. singing is pretty much her favorite thing. our household is getting kind of noisy! haha.
she loves to play and laugh all the time! the toys that just sat around the first few months and getting lots of attention now!
baby girl has cut 2 teeth, and is getting pretty close to a crawl! she is able to move backwards, but hasn't quite gotten the forward motion coordinated yet. which is fine by me! i'm not ready for this kind of mobility!
she also has had a cold the past couple weeks...so she's gotten very used to the saline and nose sucker. so much so that she's pretty much a pro and just lays there quietly and let's me take care of it!
she's trying out new foods now. i'm doing a combo of baby led weaning and purees. so far mama's milk is still her favorite...though she's having fun tasting new stuff, when she's hungry she wants the milk! so far the chocolate her papa snuck her is her favorite new food though. go figure! :P
bath time is splash time now. everyone gets wet, but it's lots of fun!
changes are happening so fast now...it's hard to even keep up with! each day is like a new adventure!
this kid is such a blessing!