i'm glad to say that i am loving being a mom to jia.
once we got through the first few challenging days of exhaustion and figuring out feedings, etc... we've really started to see her true personality bloom. she's such a cheery peaceful baby, and the perfect addition to our little family.

it may sound crazy, but i was really nervous about motherhood. not so much in regards to whether or not i could do it, but more as to rather or not i'd enjoy it. i guess i never felt like i had the "mother gene" as strong as some other people. in general i don't always enjoy being around kids. and of course there are kids i like, it's not that i don't like kids...but i'm usually not sad to see them go home to their own parents at the end of the day. :)
but i do feel differently about this little one. i guess what everyone says is true...it's different with your own. even if she's been asleep awhile i kind of start to miss her.

i can't believe that today she is already a week old. time has flown, and yet it's also hard to imagine now the time before she was a part of our family.
this has been a fun week of firsts. first kiss. first bath. first poo. i guess this list could go on awhile.

(btw, she LOVES this blooming bath tub...now she cries when we take her out of the bath!)
her first walk around the neighborhood was fun. we're enjoying strolling her around with the doggies by our side as well.

her first real outing (besides the pediatrician) i guess was us strolling over to our neighborhood ice cream shop for a couple scoops.
i can't wait for all the other "firsts" we have in store, and i'm going to do my best to savor all these memories, and try to make as many new happy memories for her that we can.
thanks to God who knew exactly who we needed.
once we got through the first few challenging days of exhaustion and figuring out feedings, etc... we've really started to see her true personality bloom. she's such a cheery peaceful baby, and the perfect addition to our little family.

it may sound crazy, but i was really nervous about motherhood. not so much in regards to whether or not i could do it, but more as to rather or not i'd enjoy it. i guess i never felt like i had the "mother gene" as strong as some other people. in general i don't always enjoy being around kids. and of course there are kids i like, it's not that i don't like kids...but i'm usually not sad to see them go home to their own parents at the end of the day. :)
but i do feel differently about this little one. i guess what everyone says is true...it's different with your own. even if she's been asleep awhile i kind of start to miss her.

i can't believe that today she is already a week old. time has flown, and yet it's also hard to imagine now the time before she was a part of our family.
this has been a fun week of firsts. first kiss. first bath. first poo. i guess this list could go on awhile.

(btw, she LOVES this blooming bath tub...now she cries when we take her out of the bath!)
her first walk around the neighborhood was fun. we're enjoying strolling her around with the doggies by our side as well.

her first real outing (besides the pediatrician) i guess was us strolling over to our neighborhood ice cream shop for a couple scoops.
i can't wait for all the other "firsts" we have in store, and i'm going to do my best to savor all these memories, and try to make as many new happy memories for her that we can.
thanks to God who knew exactly who we needed.