ok, so my husband and i decided to embrace mystery, and not learn the gender of our baby until the birth.

actually, for about the past 12 weeks, we've even had a sealed envelope with genitals pic, and a note from the ultrasound tech for us to peak at if the suspense became too much...but so far we've managed a significant amount of self control!
at first i didn't know if i wanted to find out or not, but once i fully made up my mind it's been much easier. and it's fun...because i love surprises.
i've never been one to peek at christmas gifts, or try and pry secrets out of people. i like happy suspense.

however, our gender decision has not been as popular with everyone else! a lot of the family has asked for sneak peeks into that envelope! haha.
people also ask how we're going to buy stuff and plan a nursery without knowing the gender. well, the truth is that i figure planning gender neutral is the best investment long term anyhow. if we have future children, then they'll be set. also, how many fancy outfits does a newborn need anyhow? especially one born during the texas summer time?

a fun perk about not finding out our baby's gender has been all the guessing!!
since i work with people from a lot of different countries and cultures, it's been fun to hear all the wives tales around the world for determining your baby's gender!

here are a few i've heard so far...
if the heart rate is high, it's a girl, if it's lower, it's a boy. (our kiddo's was 152 yesterday...any guesses?)
if your belly is pointed, it's a boy, if it's round, it's a girl.
if you carry low, it's a boy, if high, it's a girl.
if you get bad morning sickness, it's a girl, if not, it's a boy.
if you break out, it's a girl, if your skin gets clear, it's a boy.
if your whole body blows up, it's a girl, if just your belly gets big, it's a boy.
if you crave sweet things, it's a girl, if sour things, it's a boy.
if you get a dark line down your belly, it's a boy, if not, it's a girl.
on that last one, i actually had a lady come up to me and peek under my shirt to see if there was a line when i told her i didn't know the gender! haha. (note: she thought it was a girl!)
over all though, most people have been guessing for a boy, so we'll see what happens! we'll definitely be thrilled either way!

just for fun, i've throwing in some belly pics my friend did for us! (at about 32 weeks) so take a guess and let us know what you think baby p is going to be! :)
actually, for about the past 12 weeks, we've even had a sealed envelope with genitals pic, and a note from the ultrasound tech for us to peak at if the suspense became too much...but so far we've managed a significant amount of self control!
at first i didn't know if i wanted to find out or not, but once i fully made up my mind it's been much easier. and it's fun...because i love surprises.
i've never been one to peek at christmas gifts, or try and pry secrets out of people. i like happy suspense.
however, our gender decision has not been as popular with everyone else! a lot of the family has asked for sneak peeks into that envelope! haha.
people also ask how we're going to buy stuff and plan a nursery without knowing the gender. well, the truth is that i figure planning gender neutral is the best investment long term anyhow. if we have future children, then they'll be set. also, how many fancy outfits does a newborn need anyhow? especially one born during the texas summer time?
a fun perk about not finding out our baby's gender has been all the guessing!!
since i work with people from a lot of different countries and cultures, it's been fun to hear all the wives tales around the world for determining your baby's gender!
here are a few i've heard so far...
if the heart rate is high, it's a girl, if it's lower, it's a boy. (our kiddo's was 152 yesterday...any guesses?)
if your belly is pointed, it's a boy, if it's round, it's a girl.
if you carry low, it's a boy, if high, it's a girl.
if you get bad morning sickness, it's a girl, if not, it's a boy.
if you break out, it's a girl, if your skin gets clear, it's a boy.
if your whole body blows up, it's a girl, if just your belly gets big, it's a boy.
if you crave sweet things, it's a girl, if sour things, it's a boy.
if you get a dark line down your belly, it's a boy, if not, it's a girl.
on that last one, i actually had a lady come up to me and peek under my shirt to see if there was a line when i told her i didn't know the gender! haha. (note: she thought it was a girl!)
over all though, most people have been guessing for a boy, so we'll see what happens! we'll definitely be thrilled either way!
just for fun, i've throwing in some belly pics my friend did for us! (at about 32 weeks) so take a guess and let us know what you think baby p is going to be! :)