ok, so i know that my blog has been quite baby centric these days.
my apologies...and i might as well apologize in advance, because i'm afraid it may only get worse for a bit.
with less than 4 months to go, and with life looking pretty busy up until then, most of my spare moments are now being utilized to either prepare for the baby, or do things that will be easier to do now before the baby comes. already from the womb this kiddo is taking over! haha.
but anyways, needless to say i have begun the overwhelming task of looking for baby stuff.
however, i don't know if i'm just a weirdo or what, because most of it doesn't appeal to me at all! why does baby stuff have to be all in pastels or primaries...who ever decided that's what babies like?
well anyways, i have a friend with an etsy store full of baby stuff that i love, so i thought i'd share that with you today. the store is called susie mey, and it utilizes indian textiles to make cute things for little people!
i call susan a friend, though i think we've maybe only met once or twice a long time ago...but we have a lot of mutual friends, and whenever i see her designs i know that we're kindred spirits!
check out a few of my favorite things from her shop...

a block printed crib blanket! have i ever mentioned that i'm a total sucker for anything in block print? these colors would go perfect with what i have in mind for a nursery as well.

block print bibs! i can't control myself. i most likely will be ordering up several of these. she makes them with a waterproof liner as well. and i love that the patterns are so charming, but also gender neutral! did i mention that we're not finding out our baby's gender? well, at least trying not to. :)
but if we have a baby girl, you better believe i'll eventually be ordering some of this cuteness...

oh, and i'm pretty sure i need a couple different cute patterns of the block print swaddling blankets as well... :)

it's a good thing i'm married to an indian, because i have a small obsession with indian textiles and decor...and our cross cultural household gives me a good excuse to indulge! ;)
oh, and did i mention that susan has a cross cultural home as well? she's of indian descent while her husband is a gringo like me, so i'm also inspired by the cute mixed babyness!
so thanks susan for the gorgeous baby stuff you put out there!
my apologies...and i might as well apologize in advance, because i'm afraid it may only get worse for a bit.
with less than 4 months to go, and with life looking pretty busy up until then, most of my spare moments are now being utilized to either prepare for the baby, or do things that will be easier to do now before the baby comes. already from the womb this kiddo is taking over! haha.
but anyways, needless to say i have begun the overwhelming task of looking for baby stuff.
however, i don't know if i'm just a weirdo or what, because most of it doesn't appeal to me at all! why does baby stuff have to be all in pastels or primaries...who ever decided that's what babies like?
well anyways, i have a friend with an etsy store full of baby stuff that i love, so i thought i'd share that with you today. the store is called susie mey, and it utilizes indian textiles to make cute things for little people!
i call susan a friend, though i think we've maybe only met once or twice a long time ago...but we have a lot of mutual friends, and whenever i see her designs i know that we're kindred spirits!
check out a few of my favorite things from her shop...

a block printed crib blanket! have i ever mentioned that i'm a total sucker for anything in block print? these colors would go perfect with what i have in mind for a nursery as well.

block print bibs! i can't control myself. i most likely will be ordering up several of these. she makes them with a waterproof liner as well. and i love that the patterns are so charming, but also gender neutral! did i mention that we're not finding out our baby's gender? well, at least trying not to. :)
but if we have a baby girl, you better believe i'll eventually be ordering some of this cuteness...

oh, and i'm pretty sure i need a couple different cute patterns of the block print swaddling blankets as well... :)

it's a good thing i'm married to an indian, because i have a small obsession with indian textiles and decor...and our cross cultural household gives me a good excuse to indulge! ;)
oh, and did i mention that susan has a cross cultural home as well? she's of indian descent while her husband is a gringo like me, so i'm also inspired by the cute mixed babyness!
so thanks susan for the gorgeous baby stuff you put out there!